Beaches are the result of the addition of continental sediments transported by rivers. They are formed when sand is carried by the currents that lap the coast and accumulates in a sheltered area. The emergent beach goes from the level of mean high tide up to the maximum point reached by storm waves. There is therefore a constant mechanical action of the wind and waves, which continuously modify and remodel the substrate. The shoreline is the sloping stretch of beach where the waves rise and fall continuously, reshaping the sand and gravel. It is a coastal strip where various materials and plants transported by the sea are deposited. In this area of contact between two universes, we are faced with an ecological reality in dynamic equilibrium. Both marine and terrestrial animals are ready to take advantage of low or high tides to extend their territory, respectively upwards or downwards, and feed on what, after floating on the surface, now comes into contact with the bottom and settles there.
Beach organisms have to face difficult environmental conditions such as intense solar radiation, the high concentration of salts in the soil and scarce nutrients.
The small strip of beach included within the Reserve is one of the few examples of natural beach not affected by bathing and the artificial remodelling and restoration of the entire regional coastline. Therefore, albeit of limited size, it has an important role in the conservation of the dynamics and the species associated with them.